Newspaper Wrapped Bouquet w/ Delivery

Newspaper Wrapped Bouquet w/ Delivery


Celebrate the beauty of spring with a stunning floral bouquet, beautifully wrapped in newspaper, tissue, and satin ribbon for that charming, rustic touch. Designed with a vibrant mix of spring colors—soft pinks, lavender, whites, fresh greens, and sunny yellows—this thoughtful bouquet is the perfect way to show someone you care. Whether it's for a partner, friend, coworker, or family member, this bouquet will brighten any room and spread joy throughout the season.

Bouquet Care Tips: To keep your bouquet fresh and vibrant for as long as possible, follow these care tips:

  • Trim the stems at an angle and place the flowers in fresh, clean water immediately after unwrapping.

  • Change the water daily to keep the blooms looking fresh and hydrated.

  • Keep your bouquet in a cool spot, away from direct sunlight, drafts, and ripening fruit (which can cause flowers to wilt faster).

Delivery Included!
For your convenience, free delivery is included within a 10-mile radius of downtown Cincinnati. Just let me know in the comments section at checkout where you'd like your bouquet delivered and if you'd like a personalized note attached, and I’ll take care of everything. If you're outside the delivery range, no worries! We can arrange a pickup at Urbana Cafe in East Walnut Hills or Pendleton—just let me know at checkout.

Have any questions or special requests?
I’m always happy to help! Feel free to reach out to me at with any questions or custom requests.

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